We are a dog-active family that grew up with dogs - ever since our childhood

Ulrikke: In my home we had Cocker Spaniels and the first dog of my own was a large Hovawart cross-breed - with which I performed active utility dog training in DCH (Danish Civil Dog Handler Union). Later I had first a Malinois and then a German Shepherd Dog before our everyday life was filled with Iceland Sheepdogs (1987).
I am a qualified Obedience Instructor in the DKK (Danish Kennel Club) and am qualified in teaching on the DKK courses "Family dogs" and "Before you buy your dog". I was formerly race representative for Iceland Sheepdogs (under the Spitz Dog Club) and Chairman of the DKK Special Club for Danish/Swedish Watchdog.

Wilfred: In my home we first had a Saint Bernard Dog which was later accompanied by a Basset Hound.  The first dog of my own was a thorough mixture which was, incidentally, found in South Spanish seaport streets. When we got married in 1987, I wanted a new dog and preferably a dog that I could bring to dog shows - and thus the first Iceland Sheepdog joined our family.
I am a qualified Instructor in the DKK puppy motivation programme. For a number of years I was Vice-chairman of the DKK Regional Board of Funen as well as Chairman of the Show Committee of the Spitz Dog Club. For a ten-year period I presided the DKK Special Club for Iceland Sheepdogs from its foundation in 1996 till 2006. At present, I am a member of the DKK Show Committee and President of the DKK Region of Funen. Furthermore, I function as Host for Breeders and teach in the DKK Breeder Training programme.

Together, we handle the DKK Kennel Contact Programme for the Region of Funen and other islands.

We have three children, Oliver (20), Nicolaj (18), and Linea (14).
